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The You You Are (Book)

The You You Are, A Spiritual Biography of You is a self-help book authored by Mark Scout's brother-in-law Dr. Ricken Lazlo Hale, PhD.

The tome is Ricken's fifth published book. It is written in a sciolistic style featuring numerous pseudointellectual passages belying a common-sense wisdom about the relationship between workers and their occupations.

The Book as Manifesto

While Mark S. is at work, Ricken and Devon leave an advanced copy of the book on his doorstep. Mark's neighbor, Mrs. Selvig secretly steals the book from the porch and brings it to the SVR'D floor of Lumon to have Seth Milchick examine it for any hidden messages to Mark.

Following Helly R.'s failed attempt to escape the SVR'D floor, the book is forgotten by Milchick and is soon discovered by the Macrodata Refinement team. Instead of following procedure and turning the book in to Milchick, innie Mark S. keeps it in his desk, perhaps because it bears an inscription from Ricken mentioning him by name.


Over the next several days and weeks, innies Mark S. and Dylan G. both secretly take turns reading from the book. The text becomes a kind of manifesto for a workers' revolt, inspiring the MDR team to attempt a daring plan to trigger the Overtime Contingency and awaken three of the four of them while outside of Lumon. Page 197, in particular, slaps.

Dylan G. successfully engages the Overtime Contingency on Mark while he attends a book reading for The You You Are at Ricken and Devon's home. There, innie Mark is able to convey how much the book has meant to him to an unwitting Ricken, who acknowledges that outtie Mark sees his work as pedestrian.

Quotes and Excerpts

What does “camaraderie” mean? Most linguists agree it comes from the Latin “camera,” which means “a device used to take a photograph.” And of course, the best photographs are not of individuals, but of groups of happy friends, who love each other deeply. . . . But I think camaraderie is more than smiling together in photos. It's standing together in hard times. It's recognizing a common struggle in another person, and reaching out to offer them a loving hand.
You think you need your job. But I've lived abroad as a vagrant, abstaining from my own money to rely on the charity of strangers. Most were beggars themselves, yet they were happy, and so, for that summer, was I. Your job needs you, not the other way around.
What is it to fail? My failure to break into the literary world in my 20's was devastating, yet it taught me a valuable lesson. That it was not me who was wrong, but literature itself, and that to truly find my place in that world, I would first need to break it entirely. And so I did.
A society with festering workers cannot flourish, just as a man with rotting toes cannot skip.
What separates man from machine is that machines cannot think for themselves. Also they are made of metal, whereas man is made of skin.
If you are a soldier, do not fight for my freedom. Fight for the freedom of the soldier fighting next to you. This will make the war more inspiring for you both.
A good person will follow the rules. A great person will follow himself.
Bullies are nothing but BULL and LIES.
At the center of industry is (dust).
They cannot crucify you if your hand is in a fist.
Should you find yourself contorting to fit a system, dear reader, stop, and ask if it's truly you that must change, or the system.
Chapter 1 It's said that as a child, Wolfgang Mozart killed another boy by slamming his head in a piano. Don't worry, my research for this book has proven the claim untrue. As your heart rate settles though, consider the power an author, heretofore referred to as “me,” can hold over a reader, heretofore called “you.” But what, indeed, is… “you?”
All creatures from the leaping cat to the cowering shrew think of themselves as “you,” a logical center for the universe. Yet the cat eats the shrew, and we, like Schrödinger, live on to wonder what it means.
Our job is to taste free air. Your so-called boss may own the clock that taunts you from the wall, but, my friends, the hour is yours.
Chapter 12: On Learning To Be Emotionally Nude In Front Of My Wife

See Also

the_you_you_are_book.1651993669.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-05-08 07:07 by Scribe of Kier