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Season 1 Timeline

Workday 1

Potentially a Friday. Helly R. wakes up as a newly severed employee. MDR notices Petey K. has not arrived; Mark S. is promoted to division head, and is tasked to orient Helly R. to her new existence. She injures him. Mark is given a Pip's VIP card and a lie to explain his injury.

That evening Mark goes to a Dinnerless Dinner Party at the home of his sister, Devon and her husband, Ricken, and Ricken's idiot friends pester him about severance. Mark spends the night, and sees Petey out in the snowy night.

The next day Mark takes his Pip's VIP card to Pip's and argues with his neighbor about trash bins. He is surprised in his booth by Petey, who gives him a card with how to get in touch with him.

Workday 2

Potentially a Monday Mark arrives early to do his new duties preparing for the day.

That evening Alexa and Mark have a first date where he drinks far too much. They find some Whole Mind Collective kids and Mark gets into a drunken altercation with them. Later at home, Mrs. Selvig comes over with apology cookies and notices a bulb is burned out. When looking for a replacement bulb, Mark finds a candle his late wife made.

Workday 3

Mark calls in sick and drives out to 499 Half Loop, the address given by Petey in his note. Petey has been reintegrated for two weeks. Irving is caught napping at work and is sent for a Wellness session with Ms. Casey. In the vestibule of the Wellness center, Irving meets Burt G. from Optics and Design. They recognize a fellow spirit.

season_1_overall_timeline.1672220435.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-12-28 09:40 by Scribe of Kier