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The Orientation Procedure for Newly Severed Employees

One a severed employee returns to consciousness on the Waking Chamber conference table, a department chief will speak through the speaker placed at the head of the table to begin the orientation procedure. The department chief has a tried and true script in a binder provided by their department manager which will guide them through the interview process. It is never recommended to deviate from this script, but exceptions have been made if the newly awakened Lumon family member is recalcitrant.

First, the interviewer asks the new hire “who are you?” repeatedly until they get a response. The correct response is one in which the new hire has no idea. “Unknown” is the preferred answer for most but not all of the questions. This activity will prime them to take the five question survey which will test the efficacy of the procedure and orient them to their state of tabula rasa.

The new employee is asked five questions (listed below) and then scored based on their responses. Upon completing this survey, the door will open and the department chief will inform them how they scored and then sit with their new Lumon family member and explain the process, answering any questions that they can.

The department chief will then escort the employee to their workstation in the relevant department, and soon all will be right as rain.

If the employee demonstrates denial or refusal, protocol is to take them to the stairwell exit from the severed floor to allow them the freedom to choose to exit through that severed threshold and return to their outie's life. When they inevitably return, they chose to come back. This process also serves as an orientation to the physical effect of crossing the severed threshold, which they have not yet experienced in a waking state, and is most conducive to settling an employee in to their new life at Lumon.

Once the employee is safely situated in their department and introduced to the other employees, they will be shown a video recorded by themselves (their Outie) just before they underwent their Severance procedure. Their consent statement will be witnessed as delivered by themselves. This usually calms the employee into a level of understanding that allows for a smooth transition to innie life. It is an efficient way to inculcate the employee with resolve and devotion. Their outie would never mean them harm!

At last, they will be trained on their specific work function by the chief and allowed to begin serving Kier in the manner they were best suited. The four volumes of Compliance, the kitchenette and token system, the importance of frequent handwashing, and the relevant department's relevant orientation booklet will be introduced to them.

The five intake questions are as follows (a list of acceptable responses is listed in the manual): 1. Who are you? (a first name is sufficient) 2. In which state or U.S. territory were you born? 3. Please name any U.S. state or territory. 4. What is Mr. Eagan's favorite breakfast? 5. To the best of your memory, what is or was the color of your mother’s eyes?

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orientation.txt · Last modified: 2025-01-10 01:09 by rickypanther