Fuck You, Lumon

Fuck You, Lumon is a punk anthem by Kier band Fissureman, featuring June Kilmer on guitar. It is performed in a dank alleyway on the night of Mark and Alexa's date.


Summer rain as I work these days,
I feel a callus on my heart,
‘Cause every day’s the same
Broken heart, broken spirit
Skylark’s fires smash a window
You can make this all come true,
Build a sky in my eye that perfect blue
I hate you, Lumon, you took my first love!
Fuck you, Lumon, it’s never enough!
You think that you can fight me,
You are wrong to even try me,
Fuck you, Lumon! I hate you, Lumon!
Fuck you, Lumon! Fuck you, Lumon!
You took my first love, I hate you Lumon, it’s never enough!
Fuck you, Lumon! I hate you, Lumon!
Fuck you, Lumon! I hate you, Lumon!

Season 1, Episode 6, Hide and Seek (30:30)