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mrs_selvig [2024-07-18 18:24] – created dwellsmrs_selvig [2024-09-08 08:27] (current) – added links for people mentioned tipextrex
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 ====== Mrs. Selvig (see Ms. Cobel, Harmony Cobel, Mark's neighbor) ====== ====== Mrs. Selvig (see Ms. Cobel, Harmony Cobel, Mark's neighbor) ======
-Ms. Cobel aka Harmony Cobel aka Mark's neighbor, is known as **Mrs. Selvig** to some people outside Lumon like Mark Scout, Devon Scout,and Ricken Hale.+Ms. Cobel aka Harmony Cobel aka Mark's neighbor, is known as **Mrs. Selvig** to some people outside Lumon like [[Mark Scout]][[Devon Scout-Hale]], and [[Ricken Hale]].
 For details on Mrs. Selvig **see [[harmony_cobel|Harmony Cobel]]**. For details on Mrs. Selvig **see [[harmony_cobel|Harmony Cobel]]**.
mrs_selvig.1721327074.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-07-18 18:24 by dwells