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ganz_college [2022-08-06 02:19] – add to Appearance list rickypantherganz_college [2024-09-07 07:16] (current) tipextrex
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 ====== Ganz College ====== ====== Ganz College ======
-**Ganz College** is a school located in [[ganz_pe]]. Both [[Mark Scout|Mark]] and [[Gemma]] previously taught there: Mark taught history (specializing in World War I), while Gemma taught Russian literature.+**Ganz College** is a school located in [[ganz_pe]]. Both [[Mark Scout|Mark]] and [[Gemma]] previously taught there: Mark taught history (specializing in World War I), while Gemma taught Russian literature. A large part of Ganz College is abandoned, and serves as a hideout for [[Reghabi]], where she meets Mark and murders [[Doug Graner]].
 ===== Appearances ===== ===== Appearances =====
ganz_college.txt · Last modified: 2024-09-07 07:16 by tipextrex