1841 Kier born
1853 Kier works for Edgare Willett
18XX Kier gets a job at the ether factory
18XX Kier meets Imogene
18XX Imogene wed
1865 - Civil War ends, 13th Amendment enacted
1865 Lumon begun, Kier first president
1865 Ambrose born (to Kier age 24)
18XX Town named after Kier
1886 Myrtle born (to Ambrose age 21 or Kier age 45?)
1893 Myrtle at age 7 declares she will be the first woman to run Lumon
1893 Kier Chronicle begun
1902 Baird born (to Ambrose age 37 or to Kier age 61/To Myrtle age 16?)
1920 Gerhardt born (to Ambrose age 55? 34 year-old Myrtle? Or 18 year-old Baird?)
1937 Phillip/Pip born (to Baird age 35?)
1939 Sperm frozen for the first time
1939 Kier dies age 98, Ambrose 2nd president age 54
1941 Ambrose dies age 76, Myrtle 3rd president at age 55
1952 Founding of Myrtle Eagan School for Girls
1955 Leonora born (to Pip age 18 or Gerhardt age 35?)
1959 Myrtle dies age 73, Baird 4th president age 57
1960? Jame born? (To Pip age 23 or Gerhardt age 40?)
1963 State codes standardized with 2 letters: PE is assigned.
1972 1st American usage of the title “chief executive officer”
1976 Baird dies age 74, Gerhardt 5th CEO age 56
1978 First test tube baby born
1987 Gerhardt dies age 77, Phillip Eagan 6th CEO age 50
1990 Helena born to Jame Eagan (age 35?)
1996 Dolly the sheep cloned
1999 Phillip dies age 62, Leonora 7th CEO age 44
2003 Jame becomes 8th CEO around age 43, Leonora steps down age 48
2003? Jame brings home prototype Severance chip to child Helena
2005 Leonora dies age 50
2013 Burt starts working in Optics & Design
All dates below presuming Season 1 & 2 take place beginning in 2020; adjust accordingly.
2017: Mark and Gemma car accident
2017: Gemma declared dead
2018: Mark takes a job at Lumon, gets severed, joins MDR, replacing ?
2018: Mark moves to Baird Creek Manor, next door to “Mrs. Selvig”
2018: Angelo Arteta comes out in favor of the severance procedure
2019? The last woman who was in MDR, Carol, leaves Lumon and MDR
2019? Dylan starts working in Macrodata Refinement, replaces Carol
2020: Devon and Ricken Hale conceive their first child
2020: Petey leaves Lumon abruptly two weeks after initiating reintegration
2020: Helena Eagan chooses to sever herself to further cause of severance legislation
2020: Eleanor Hale and Bradley Arteta are born
2020-2021: The Macrodat Uprising and Severance Reform