There are bookshelves on almost every wall of Devon and Ricken's home. Here is an incomplete list of books not written by Ricken that were identified on their bookshelves or elsewhere in their home.
Seeds of Greatness (1983) by Denis Waitley
Mastering Fear: A Navy SEAL's Guide (2018) by Brandon Tyler Webb and John David Mann
Bevelations: Lessons from a Mutha, Auntie, Bestie (2021) by Bevy Smith
Read the Face: Face Reading for Success in Your Career, Relationships, and Health (2019) by Eric Standop and Elisa Petrini
Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism (2017) by Fumio Sasaki
Empowered Love: Use Your Brain to Be Your Best Self and Create Your Ideal Relationship (2018) by Dr. Steven Stosny
The Memory Bible: An Innovative Strategy For Keeping Your Brain Young (2003) by Gary Small
Make the Impossible Possible: One Man's Crusade to Inspire Others to Dream Bigger and Achieve the Extraordinary (2009) by Bill Strickland and Vince Rause
You Are an Ironman: How Six Weekend Warriors Chased Their Dream of Finishing the World's Toughest Triathlon (2011) by Jacques Steinberg
Hardiness: Making Stress Work for You to Achieve Your Life Goals (2020) by Steven J. Stein and Paul T. Bartone
Can You Learn to Be Lucky?: Why Some People Seem to Win More Often Than Others (2018) by Karla Starr
How to Be Everything: A Guide for Those Who (Still) Don't Know What They Want to Be When They Grow Up (2018) by Emilie Wapnick
Art book about Tomayo Rufino who liked painting watermelons
Valentin Popov - “Face,” a collection of his portraits of people’s faces