====== Woe ====== {{woe.webp?800x800|Bride (dancer) representing woe}} Bride (dancer) representing woe((Season 1, Episode 8, [[s1e8]] (35:19) )) **Woe** is one of the [[The Four Tempers|the Four Tempers]], first described by [[Kier Eagan]]. It is defined as “great sorrow or distress.” It is represented by the bride in the painting [[Kier Taming the Four Tempers]]. ===== Appearances ===== ==== Season 1 ====
  1. [[s1e2]] (depiction)
  2. [[s1e8]] (dancer)
===== See Also ===== * [[theories_about_the_four_tempers|Tempers and Humors]] {{page>:blurbs#Stub}} {{tag>Concepts}}