====== Waffle Party ======
> But if we hit our numbers by quarter’s end, one of us gets named refiner of the quarter, and that shit gets you a waffle party.
GO NOW TO THE FOUNDER’S BED{{ ::waffle_party_3.webp?300|}} Waiting on the founder’s bed, which is normally off-limits, is a [[Kier Eagan]] mask and a special [[cat o’ nine tails]]. The refiner dons the mask and climbs onto the bed. What follows is a highly sexually-charged interpretive dance performance by [[The Four Tempers (dancers)|The Four Tempers]], each wearing a mask representing their respective [[the_four_tempers|temper]]. In order of appearance, they are [[Frolic]], [[Woe]], [[Dread]], and [[Malice]]. Their sculpted masks echo the depiction of the tempers in the highly calming and inspirational painting, [[Kier Taming The Four Tempers]]. [[Woe]] is a bride, [[Frolic]] is a fool, [[Dread]] is a crone, and [[Malice]] is a ram. In [[Dylan George| Dylan’s]] Waffle Party, three of the dancers were female and one was male. This may vary by Refiner. The performers thrust their hips and strut their stuff. They are graceful yet menacing. Their masks conceal the faces and feelings of the temper dancers. The party is intended to be followed by sex, [[https://variety.com/2022/tv/features/severance-waffle-party-sex-scene-explained-dylan-kier-eagan-1235212918/|according to Ben Stiller]]. {{tag>Events Perks}}