===== Motivational Posters =====
After the [[severance reforms]] transformed the [[severed floor]] of Lumon, some interesting new art is visible in the refurbished [[break room]]: perky modern **motivational posters**.
Rather than seeking to inspire the workers with the deeply meaningful [[kier eagan portraiture|portraits of Kier]] that have graced the hallways of the Severed Floor, management has taken [[Kier Eagan|Kier]]'s words "Keep a merry humor ever in your heart" to heart, and hope to bring more of the [[core principles|core principle]] of **Cheer** to the workplace.
==== Grin & Baird It! ====
{{grinandbairdit.png?260|"Grin & Baird It!" poster}}\\
A play on words related to "[[https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/to-grin-and-bear-it|grin and bear it]]."
==== I'm a Frolic-aholic! ====
{{frolicaholic.png?260|"I'm a Frolic-aholic!" poster}}\\
Reproduced image by @Pixistix
==== Bee Ever Merry! ====
{{Bee_Ever_Merry.png?260|"Bee Ever Merry!" poster}}\\
Reproduced image by @Phantomsmithy
==== Hang in There! ====
{{Hang_In_There.png?260|"Hang in There!" poster starring Dylan}}\\
Reproduced image by @Pixistix
{{tag>Objects Lumon_Works Propaganda}}