====== Scenes of MDR File Work ====== * **1x01** 00:11:45 Mark is working on the Dranesville file. 19% complete. * **1x01** 00:11:58 Dylan, Tumwater - Dylan says he's almost complete * **1x02** 00:09:32 Dylan, Tumwater, 96%, 11 weeks * **1x02** 00:10:20 Mark Dranesville, 19% * **1x02** 00:35:32 Irving, Pacoima, 33% * **1x02** 00:37:54 Helly, Siena, 0% * **1x03** 00:17:33 In Petey’s flashback hallucination, Mark is working on the Dranesville file. * **1x04** 00:06:52 Dylan, Tumwater, ??% (Helly in the break room for the second day) * **1x04** 00:13:42 Helly tells Mark she got to 4% * **1x04** 00:13:52 Mark, Dranesville, ??% (Goof, bin at bottom of screen left open) * **1x04** 00:21:38 Irving, Pacoima, pct not visible. * **1x04** 00:21:56 Helly, Siena, 9% (maybe. Could also be 0%. Bins seem to all be 0%) * **1x05** 00:31:04 Dylan, Eminence? (first letter E of filename is legible.) * **1x05** 00:30:53 Irving, Pacoima, pct not visible * **1x06** 00:14:06 Dylan, Eminence, can’t read pct * **1x07** 00:17:33 Irving, Pacoima, can’t read pct * **1x07** 00:23:34 Dylan, Eminence, 33% * **1x08** 00:05:09 Helly, completing file * **1x08** 00:05:59 Dylan says, “We’ve both been done a week.” (nodding to Irving) * **1x08** 00:08:20 Helly, Siena, 100%