===== Kier Pardons His Betrayers ===== {{ :kierforgives.png?400 |}} **Kier Pardons His Betrayers** is a painting that now graces the [[severed lobby]], greeting innie employees first thing upon the elevator door opening to start their day. It features four people, bloodied and sweating, buried up to their collarbones in the ground under a bright yellow sun. Near them, [[Kier Eagan]] kneels in his Union soldier uniform from when he fought in the U.S. Civil War. His hand rests lovingly on the head of the closest man, and a saber rests on his shoulder. Beyond him are lined ranks of anonymous soldiers with muskets and bayonets, and a lighthouse rises in the background. The painting was done by Danny Aviles(([[https://www.instagram.com/p/DE7wxT7ujrQ/?img_index=1/|Danny Aviles' Instagram]])), who is listed as a member of the CE department in the [[Security Office]] and in-world is a severed employee, as documented by [[Irving Bailiff]]. ===== See Also ===== * [[Art]] {{page>:blurbs#Stub}} {{tag>Lumon_Works Paintings}}