===== Irving's Paintings ===== {{ ::irving_painting.webp?600 |}} In [[What's For Dinner]] we discover that [[Irving Bailiff]], Irving B.'s outie, blasts Motorhead's The Ace of Spades while drinking black coffee and painting this image over and over again, starting a new one before the old one is even dry, using almost any flat surface as a canvas. The black paint that he squeezes out onto his palette in such volumes is reminiscent of the black goo that overwhelms Irving when he dozes off while at work at Lumon, as well as the black goo that seeps out of the recycling bin that the animation of [[Mark Scout|Mark]] is wrestling through the snow in the Season 1 opening credits sequence. ==== See Also ===== * [[theories]] {{tag>Objects Paintings Art}} {{page>:blurbs#Stub}} ===== See Also ===== * [[art]] * [[testing floor]] {{tag>Art Objects Paintings}}