^ Status | Alive |
^ First Appearance | [[s1e4]] (referenced) |
====== Fabie ======
**Fabie** is an Italian boy who befriended [[Ricken Hale]], author of [[The You You Are Book|The You You Are]]. All that is currently known about Fabie comes from the 8th chapter of that book.
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===== Quotes & Dialogue =====
> …incapacitated…my time in Italy I formed a [friendship with a boy whose] parents cultivated and slaughtered chickens…early morning deliveries. I would see young Fabie…while I practiced Tai Chi to recirculate the blood flow to…[extremities?]. Fabie and I would engage in polite pithy small [talk]…”Ciao, Buongiorno…” Craving more depth from this [I asked] Fabie if he would be willing to enrich our bond and to [teach me an] Italian word each day. Fabie was elated and said it would [be his joy. As my] time in Italy was dwindling, I knew that I had to do something [special related to a favorite t]opic for Fabie. I knew what gift he would be most grateful [to receive, that rarified] fair fare, Cane di Mais. I searched the town for a chef to make me an edible arrangement of these corn dogs. Discour[aged that I would obtain such an item] on time, I decided to buy the ingredients and make the bouquet myself. After several labor-intensive hours, I went [to present my] gift to Fabie. I rang the doorbell and waited behind the [wall to witness him find my offering on his porc]h.
>[The gift was not received well. The] mundane meal wheel keeps spinning, and when it stops, it [lands in this humble Italian farmhouse on the] all too familiar chicken. How to stop the meal wheel, give…typical cure for this monotony would be to add variety, but [it was verboten to add] another protein choice to the dining gauntlet per [Fabie’s parents. So I suggested we] subtract. Do you even need dinner? [We need food as fuel] to live - but should we [center] all social [intercourse around the consumption of food? That requires money, and in this world, to have money, one must have a job. And I did not have either of those things.] — A partial reconstruction of the last page of chapter 8 of [[The You You Are Book|The You You Are]] by [[Ricken Hale]], with possible content suggestions.
===== Appearances =====
==== Season 1 ====
- [[s1e4]] (referenced)
===== See Also =====
* [[List of characters]]
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