====== Eagan Bingo ====== **Eagan Bingo** is a hand-drawn bingo game devised by [[Dylan George|Dylan]] and possibly also [[Mark Scout|Mark]] (the other group cut-up), but distributed by Dylan to Mark and [[Helena Eagan|Helly]] as they walk behind [[Irving Bailiff|Irving]] to the [[Perpetuity Wing]]. Irving intends the outing to be inspiring for Helly so that she understands the purpose of [[Macrodata Refinement|MDR]]’s work. {{::eagan_bingo_screenshot.webp?crop&1200x675|Eagan Bingo}} Irving does not approve of Eagan bingo. He finds it irreverent for the employees’ focus to be on anything other than awe and reverence in the face of the founder’s home and the icons of his successors. The bingo card is printed on paper similar to Neenah Bright Blue copy paper,(([[https://www.officesupply.com/office-supplies/paper-pads/copy-multi-paper/copy-multi-colored-paper/neenah-paper-exact-brights-paper-bright-blue-sheets-ream/p505946.html|Neenah Exact Brights, Bright Blue copy paper]])) and is a photocopy of a previously drawn grid of options. ===== Transcription ===== | Wax tears | Monocle | Monogrammed pen | Picture of child w/ rickets | | Prominent wax bulge | “Erection” used in construction sense | [[Lumon Industries|Lumon]] referred to as “she” | Nine [[core_principles|core values]] listed | | [[The Four Tempers|Four Tempers]] referenced | “Lumon will save the world” | Unexplained Eagan death | Lock of old hair | | [[Kier Eagan|Eagan]] depicted w/ halo | Dueling | “Goodliness” referenced | Passive-aggressive shit-talking of [[Ambrose Eagan|Ambrose]] | ===== Trivia ===== * Because the bingo card is arranged in a four-by-four grid, there is no center space (which would traditionally be used as a free space on a standard bingo card). ===== See Also ===== * [[?do=showtag&tag=Eagan_Family|Eagan Family]] {{tag>Objects Writings}}