====== Dan Erickson’s Reddit AMA – Sorted ======
| **Dan Erickson’s Reddit AMA** {{dan_erickson_reddit.webp?800x800|Dan Erickson’s AMA proof posted on Twitter}} ||
^ Platform | Reddit |
^ Start date | April 21, 2022 (12–5 PM PT) |
^ Notable replies | 121 |
**Dan Erickson’s Reddit AMA** took place on April 21, 2022.
The questions in each category are in the order asked.
===== The You You Are book =====
===== Macrodata Refinement =====
===== Inspirations behind Severance =====
===== Span of the show =====
===== Lumon Industries-related questions =====
===== Personal questions aimed at Dan =====
===== Irving Bailiff and Burt Goodman romance (also known as Burving) =====
===== Kier, PE =====
===== Writing =====
===== The goats =====
===== Production questions =====
===== Season two =====
===== Severance: The Lexington Letter =====
==== Questions about the characters =====
===== Casting =====
===== Theories =====
===== Reddit-related questions =====
===== The Severance procedure =====
===== Miscellaneous questions =====