====== Compliance Handbook Tote ====== {{old_tote.webp?800|Irving carrying his company handbook in a Lumon tote}} Irving carrying his company handbook in a Lumon tote The **Compliance Handbook Tote** is a special vehicle for the [[Compliance Handbook]] created by [[Optics and Design]]. At the beginning of season one, the tote is a chipper [[Macrodata Refinement]] blue color with a yellow Lumon logo, as glimpsed carried by [[Irving Bailiff|Irving]] in the hallways of [[Lumon Industries|Lumon]]’s [[Severed Floor]].((Season 1, Episode 3, [[In Perpetuity]] (30:09) )) [[Burt Goodman|Burt]] later presents Macrodata Refinement with the new totes before their release as a peace offering or possibly a token of affection for Irving. {{INLINETOC width18 2}} ===== Gallery ===== {{new_tote.webp?800x800|Burt holding newly-designed and unreleased totes}} \\ Burt holding newly-designed and unreleased totes {{lumontote1.webp?800x800|The old Lumon tote}} \\ The old Lumon tote ===== Appearances ===== ==== Season 1 ====
  1. [[In Perpetuity]]
  2. [[The You You Are]]
===== See Also ===== * [[List of Objects]] {{page>:blurbs#Stub}} {{tag>Objects}}