====== Baird Creek Manor ====== {{baird-creek-manor-sign.webp?300|The sign at the entrance to Baird Creek Manor}} The sign at the entrance to Baird Creek Manor **Baird Creek Manor** is a [[Lumon Industries|Lumon]]-subsidized housing development located in [[Kier, PE]]. [[Mark Scout|Mark]] and [[Harmony Cobel|Mrs. Selvig]] are the only two known residents. Sources have indicated that [[Seth Milchick]] resides in Baird Creek Townhouses, presumably part of the greater development of Baird Creek Manor. The development, named after past Lumon CEO [[Baird Eagan]], consists of identical blue townhomes. {{INLINETOC width18 2}} ===== Housing ===== The homes in Baird Creek Manor are two to three stories, though both Mark and Mrs. Selvig live in two-story models. Each has a basement. The kitchens are small and simple, but functional. ===== Geography ===== The neighborhood rests at the base of a wooded hill, situated beside a cemetery. {{baird-creek-manor.webp|Baird Creek Manor}} ===== Trivia ===== * The real-life location of Baird Creek Manor is the Village Gate Townhouses in Nyack, NY ([[https://www.google.com/maps/@41.0993549,-73.9274411,3a,75y,331.13h,94.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4EfPmlSxkh0oeVoWZmmULw!2e0!7i3328!8i1664|Google Street View]]). * The Baird Creek development is plagued by a wily burglar known as the [[Baird Creek Bandit]]. ===== See Also ===== * [[leonora_lake]] * [[Mark Scout’s home]] * [[Harmony Cobel’s home]] * [[Irving Bailiff’s home]] * [[Burt Goodman’s home]] * [[Baird Creek Bandit]] {{page>:blurbs#Stub}} {{tag>Locations Housing}}